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Before amalgamation, the "old" City of Hamilton had 331,121 citizens and was divided into 100 areas. The previous area of Hamilton-Wentworth had a population of 490,268. The amalgamation developed a single-tier local government ending subsidization of its residential areas. The brand-new amalgamated city had 519,949 people in more than 100 neighbourhoods, and surrounding communities.
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In 2007, the Red Hill Valley Parkway opened after extensive hold-ups. The Stelco mills were idled in 2010 and permanently closed in 2013. More Details capped a substantial shift in the city's economy: the percentage of the population used in manufacturing decreased from 22 to 12 percent between 2003 and 2013.
Hamilton remains in the geographic centre of the Golden Horseshoe. Its significant physical features are Hamilton Harbour, marking the northern limitation of the city, and the Niagara Cliff running through the middle of the city across its entire breadth, bisecting the city into "upper" and "lower" parts. The maximum peak is 250m (820') above the level of Lake Ontario.
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The very first Indigenous individuals to settle in the Hamilton area called the bay Macassa, indicating "stunning waters". Hamilton is one of 11 cities showcased in the book, Green City: Individuals, Nature & Urban Places by Quebec author Mary Soderstrom, which examines the city as an example of an industrial powerhouse co-existing with nature.
Hamilton Harbour is a natural harbour with a big sandbar called the Beachstrip. This sandbar was transferred during a duration of higher lake levels throughout the last ice age, and extends southeast through the central lower city to the escarpment. Hamilton's deep sea port is accessed by ship canal through the beach strip into the harbour and is traversed by two bridges, the QEW's Burlington Bay James N.
In between 1788 and 1793, the areas at the Head-of-the-Lake were surveyed and called. The area was first referred to as The Head-of-the-Lake for its place at the western end of Lake Ontario. John Ryckman, born in Barton municipality (where present day downtown Hamilton is), described the area in 1803 as he remembered it: "The city in 1803 was all forest.